Sunday 14 November 2010

Gun Shot Effects Part 2

Gun Shot Effects

These are simillar to squibs but without the explosive ellement. This was a simple experiment to see what could be achieved with simple technicques and a budget of a few pounds.

Sugar Glass Tests

This was how it looked when being boiled up to the right temperature, lots of bubbles, it made me think of a witches brew.

Annoyingly it broke up coming out the mold would have loved to get a massive sheet to smash as it was i had to settle on one of the bigger bits.

Below is a video of the final test break, hope you like it :-)

Sunday 7 November 2010

Bolt Pistol

 This is one of my favourite projects it involved making a prop gun with a working toy gun inside. I was inspired by the guns they used in 'Aliens', which were Thompson sub machine guns with a facade mounted over the top to alter its appearance.

This prop has a fully functioning 'Nerf Gun' inside it, some sections are still visible the handle and magazine are have received only minor alteration the rest was built up using a mixture of foam sheets and mount board. It was also given a custom paint job so that now i have my very own 'Bolt Pistol'

The paint job was done with simple Acrylic paints. Washes and ink was used to help increase shadow and depth.

Without a doubt the best project i did all spring.

Saturday 6 November 2010

I Know Bit Late For Haloween Right?

Prosthetics! Well we hope they are right? All of these techniques were done with reading up and then trying them out. The materials purchased from theatre suppliers in Covent Garden London. These included derma wax, fresh scratch (a congealed blood) theatre blood, and a bruise wheel of grease paints.

These two were made using the same method as for the wrist. A ridge of derma wax frayed to look like torn skin then blended using drybrushed acrylic paint and lots of fake blood and fresh scratch.


The reason i started this blog was a way of basically showing off what I'm doing, what makes me tick, what excites me and drives me to create.

My first attempt at using latex.

I made this as a play around project with liquid latex. Its basically a rubber glove with some of the fingers taped together then layers of tissue paper and liquid latex layered over the top. The pads on the palm were made with cotton pads, and the ridges on the back of the hand were made with small rolls of tissue.


Once dry i painted it with simple children's acrylic paint. The only use Ive found for it so far is for surprising people in traffic jams. The white van man at the dartford toll crossing was fantastic.